The Best Anti-Poverty Program Is A World Class Education
Our Vision for Education and Life Skills
World Vision’s aspiration is for every child to attain the core skills and abilities they need to lead a productive and fulfilling life. With quality education, children become lifelong learners, contribute to their communities, protect themselves from violence, and experience life in all its fullness. We also recognize that learning takes place outside the school and the key roles that parents and communities play.
World Vision China concentrates our efforts on three educational initiatives, with special focus on children living in remote rural areas and those affected by urban migration.
Providing access to and improving the quality of early childhood education for vulnerable children.
Enhancing the learning environment for children aged 6 to 18 through improved teaching methods and school facilities, with a focus on child safety.
Supporting life skills trainings in schools as well as teaching life skills through community activities that involve entire families.
Early Childhood Education
Our goal: Provide vulnerable children aged 4 to 6 years old with access to quality education in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment, so that they will be fully prepared to thrive when they enter primary school.
Our work:
Equip parents and caregivers in their role as ‘first teachers and protectors’ to help and support young children’s learning and growth outside of school.
Strengthen teacher’s capacity so they know how to make learning effective and fun for young children.
Improved Learning Environment
Our goal: Improve teaching resources and facilities for children to have a safe and effective learning environment.
Our work:
Upgrade preschool facilities to improve child safety and environmental hygiene.
Contribute school supplies and learning tools to enhance children’s learning experiences.
Train teachers on effective and child friendly interactive techniques.
Life Skills Education
Our goal: Equip children with the life skills that allow them to keep safe and healthy, advocate for their needs and prepare for their future.
Our work:
Train children in age-appropriate life skills.
Support activities that encourage positive relationships between parents and children.
Establish reading corners and activities to encourage reading.
Support disaster risk reduction activities to increase children’s resilience.