Dongdong is deaf and mute. When he was six, his eyes were full of fear whenever he encountered a stranger, and he would shout meaningless sounds. His parents were worried, never knowing what he would do next. For a while, they were helpless to know how to give Dongdong the care he needed.
After World Vision became involved, everything has changed. Dongdong is now enrolled in a local special children’s school. Thanks to generous donors, World Vision pays for Dongdong’s tuition through educational grants.
“When I first took Dongdong to his new school, he was terrified by the unfamiliar environment. He couldn’t communicate and had no playmates,” recalls his father, reflecting on the stressful memory. Then he laughs, “It’s all fine now. Not only does Dongdong have friends, he actually has a best friend. We no longer worry about him being lonely.”
His mother adds with gratitude, “After starting school, Dongdong is a changed child. He is clever and his temper has improved a lot.” Dongdong’s older brother chimes in with sign language, wanting Dongdong to understand: “My brother is doing well at school, usually scoring more than 90 in all his subjects.” The whole family has learned to sign, so Dongdong feels much more supported at home. Hearing his brother’s complement, Dongdong smiles embarrassedly and started signing himself: “I will graduate middle school next year. If my grades are good enough, I can continue my studies at a special high school. After that, I want to go to university.”
Thanks to support from World Vision, and the love and care from his own family, Dongdong looks forward to a bright future!